The Nassal Company self-performed the rock-work fabrication and replicated natural environments throughout Africa Live Phase II. Scope included mud banks, termite mound, rock work in the colobus monkey exhibit, hyrax and wild dog exhibits, and kopje rock.

Africa Live!, Phase II immerses visitors into the wonders of Africa including its diverse plants, animals and people. The colobus monkey mesh enclosure is within the bird aviary where guests can walk beside the stream made from shot-crete that flows from a waterfall at the far end of the aviary. The rock work gradually changes from fractured rock to kopje that now begins the mongoose and termite mound areas. Views from within the huge termite mound look out into African hunting dogs. More kopje await as the visitors walk past rock hyrax and elephant exhibits to climb the path up to a large terraced dining area shaded by trellis.